
目前显示的是 八月, 2020的博文

Shipping consolidation Ocean freight shipping forwarder from China to Adelaide Australia door to door service


Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

从中国深圳到澳大利亚布里斯班的海上货运20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

Sea freight shipping from Shenzhen China to Brisbane Australia 20GP 40GP

Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  1979年是春天, 一个老人在南中国海划了一个圈 。神话般的城市崛起 奇迹般地聚集了金色的山脉 …… 这首歌叫 《春天的故事》 。 我相信您对此很熟悉。 这首歌唱着这个故事,我相信在中国没有人不知道,也不知道。 有一个老人,指的是邓小平。 中国的南海边界是指深圳; 1979年,在邓小平的倡议下,中国在经济特区建设方面做出了开拓性的贡献。 深圳经济特区 经全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准,于1980年8月26日正式成立。它已建成一个综合性的经济特区,重点发展工业,商业,农业,畜牧业,住房,旅游等行业。 深圳是南方的一个小渔村,已成为中国改革开放一夜的窗口和试验场。 现在,它也是广东,香港和澳门的四个中心城市之一。 时光飞逝, 今天 是 2020年8月26日, 也是深圳经济特区成立40周年, 舜宇环球物流成立于1998年, 深圳已经发展了20多年, 是数千家发展中企业之一在深圳。 舜宇环球物流有限公司, 祝贺今天深圳 快乐40周年。 回顾过去的40年,深圳的发展已跨过一个坎,,一个山一个又一个地跨过,城市的综合实力不断提高,可持续发展能力突出,深圳的城市定位是也正在上升。 在新的国内外环境中,深圳被定位为粤港澳大湾区国际科技创新中心和中国特色社会主义示范区。 深圳不仅要在科技创新和科学发现方面做出新的贡献,而且要大力建设反映高质量发展要求的现代经济体系,从而在更高的起点上推动全国的改革开放。要点,更高层次,更高目标同时,要充分发挥共建,共管治理和共享的领先优势,全面提高政府的执政能力和水平,树立“城市榜样” 深圳人来了。 正如“深圳人来了”,“深圳因你而精彩”和“深爱人才,深圳在等你”这三个口号一样,反映出深圳作为外国人移民城市的宽容和友善。 在短短的40年中,深圳的常住人口从成立之初的31.4万增加到2019年的1343.9万。所有这些都显示了深圳开放,多元化和包容的城市文化,并正在聚集形成强大的“磁场”以吸引人才。 最初,深圳被定位为中国人民的深圳,世界的深圳和我们的深圳。 深圳创造了40年的新局面,继续引领时代的未来。 2019年8月18日,中共中央,国务院关于支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先进示范区的意见正式发布。 这是中国总书记亲自策划,亲自部署和亲自推动的一项重大国家战略。 这是中国特色社会主义伟大实践的一个划时代的开端,也是习近平晋升后深圳进入经济区的又一

Josie Story Sharing of Sunny Worldwide Logistics: opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared!

For our freight forwarding industry , February and March every year is a off-season for our shipment. However, due to the sudden outbreak of global epidemic, we are in a busy and tense state every day. The epidemic situation has a great impact on the whole freight forwarding industry, and various problems are coming one after another. For example, the export demand of epidemic prevention materials continues to rise, the customs constantly changes and adjusts the export documents of epidemic prevention materials; a large number of international flights are grounded, resulting in very tight positions, unstable flight timeliness, and unprecedented air freight prices; the number of port operators is reduced, the destination port is blocked, and customs clearance is slow. At the beginning of the epidemic, sunny worldwide Logistics Co., Ltd. did not shrink back from various problems. Instead, it immediately entered an emergency state. All departments performed their duties and went all out

China logistics shipping company sea ocean freight rate to Singapore

China logistics shipping company sea ocean freight rate to Singapore

Sunny Worldwide logistics tips: since December 1, electronic data submission is implemented for the entry and exit of transport vehicles, and paper-based information is not required

|  Sunny Worldwide Logistics , Take Care Of Cargo More Than The Owner| Website:  https://www.swwlogistics.com/ On August 12, the General Administration of Customs issued Announcement No. 91 of 2020, deciding to further promote paperless operations in the field of transportation supervision in and out of the country from December 1, 2020. Persons in charge of inbound and outbound transportation, inbound and outbound transportation Service companies can submit electronic data to the customs for relevant procedures, without submitting paper documents and related accompanying documents. Announcement No. 91 (2020) of the General Administration of Customs (Announcement on Further Promoting the Paperless Supervision of the Entry and Exit of Transport Vehicles) In order to implement the reform requirements of “decentralization, regulation and service”, optimize the business environment at ports, and promote logistics facilitation, the General Administration of Customs has decided to further pr

Story of Cooperation with Maldives | Sunny Worldwide Logistics | Freight Forwarder

  |  Sunny Worldwide Logistics , Take Care Of Cargo More Than The Owner| Website:  https://www.swwlogistics.com/ My name is   Michael,   a sales executive in   Sunny Worldwide Logistics , I own 7 year logistics freight forwarder experience. Today I will share a story with you. Maldives, a very beautiful tourist resort, I never thought that one day it will have a relationship with the Maldives.  But fate is so wonderful. In June 2014, a Maldivian customer contacted me online, and later added my contact information. When I first contacted me, I felt a little unreliable. Later, I got deeper and deeper. The customer gave bed linen to local hotels. The supplier of the kits, let me help him buy goods on Taobao and Alibaba, and then help him airlift to the Male Airport in Maldives. At first, the supplier was found from Alibaba International Station. One ticket, he is very satisfied with our company's full service, this is his first attempt to import from China, it is very smooth, he found

DHL latest report: rapid growth in air freight revenue

 | Sunny Worldwide Logistics , Take Care Of Cargo More Than The Owner|   Website: https://www.swwlogistics.com/ Due to a capacity shortage in the second quarter of this year, Deutsche Post DHL is the latest company to report a surge in  air freight  revenue. The German express and parcel giant’s air freight business revenue in the second quarter increased 57% year-on-year to 1.8 billion euros, and gross profit increased 42.4% to 339 million euros, but air freight volume fell 13.7% to 433,000 tons. Freight forwarders said that the main reason for the decline in freight volume was the decline in freight volume in the global market due to the epidemic. Trade routes to China and transatlantic goods are particularly affected. The increase in revenue and profit is due to the "extreme shortage of transportation capacity" and the resulting increase in air freight. The company said: "DHL Global Cargo can ensure cargo capacity for customers in an early stage in a very tight marke

Large goods need to use the Open Top Container | Sea Freight | Sunny Worldwide Logistics

|  Sunny Worldwide Logistics , Take Care Of Cargo More Than The Owner| Website:  https://www.swwlogistics.com/ We received a special booking in February this year. The customer has the following requirements: 1. They need to order a side open cabinet of 20GP 2、The tow truck was entrusted to us 3、The size of the goods is 5.5m * 2.25m * 2.0m. The factory will find the crane and forklift by itself A serious problem was found when our business got the booking,The size of the 20GP small cabinet is 5.89m * 2.35m * 2.39m. Because the cargo is relatively large, it is difficult to load it even with a crane.Our manager said that it is useless to open the cabinet on the side of this size, we need to modify the open top cabinet, it will be better.We can fulfill all reasonable requirements according to the needs of customers, but we hope to give customers better and more convenient solutions. Our salesman proposed our modified plan to her customer, but the customer was very reluctant to use the ope

August 1 Army Day | Sunny Worldwide logistics salutes the people's Liberation Army, you are the most lovely

today It's army day on August 1 A memorial to the birth of the people's army And the great days of hard work Sunny Worldwide Logistics Salute! Powerful teacher! Salute! The most lovely person!

Sunny Worldwide Logistics Story Sharing: The Belgian Journey of Masks

| Sunny Worldwide Logistics , Take Care Of Cargo More Than The Owner| Website:  https://www.swwlogistics.com/ " life and work must always be at the forefront, you are not behind, you are not leading, in some time zones that belong to you, everything is on time, and the traces of the past have only been from time to time review." ——Besson

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sea shipping,Shenzhen fast shipping from China to USA door to door delivery

sea freight,sea freight door to door delivery to Poland shipping agent in China


sea freight,sea freight door to door delivery to Poland shipping agent in China


sea freight,sea freight door to door delivery to Poland shipping agent in China


sea freight,sea freight door to door delivery to Poland shipping agent in China
