Sunny Worldwide Logistics third quarter and fourth quarter planning meeting held perfectly

Sunny Worldwide L ogistics held the third quarter and fourth quarter planning meeting on Saturday, October 24, 2020. All members of the business department, customer service department, commerce department, administration department, promotion department and finance department attended the meeting. At this meeting, the host Luna (Xiao Danhua) presided over the whole meeting, and grasped and controlled the whole process of the meeting, and assistant Homles (Gao Sisi) assisted in the whole process. In the morning, the relevant members of the administration department, finance department, commerce department, promotion department and operation Department summarize the plans of the third quarter and the fourth quarter in turn, and in the afternoon, the three business groups and customer service departments will make a perfect summary of their performance in the third quarter and customer follow-up. After the members of each department have finished speaking, the supervis...