Share: Maersk Eindhoven-103N encounters harsh weather Transpacific 6 service

Dear Valued Customers, Sunny Worldwide logistics shares the news of the Maersk shipping for you. Here is today’s update based on our latest information this morning. Port operations on the Maersk Eindhoven are ongoing at APM Terminals Yokohama and progressing according to plan. We still estimate cargo operations will finish around March 5 as a best case scenario – and of course this is subject to change and weather conditions. (This time frame includes a February 28 – March 1 window where the vessel needs to move off the berth for another vessel to come alongside). Once the containers are discharged off the affected bays, our repair vendors in conjunction with our fleet specialists will assess if any additional repairs are needed. While the situation is still fluid, we are encouraged by the port operations progress so far and currently estimate the departure window from Yokohama to be March 5-10 if all goes well. (The departure from Yokohama is subject t...