Emegency notice! Export these goods in Malaysia no longer accept booking!

Attention, COSCO Shipping will stop accepting to go to Malaysia's waste booking!

According to Wei Yun network reported that recently COSCO Container Shipping notices that  for the import of goods to Malaysia made the following related requirements

1. Stop accepting all imports to Malaysia
(But according to the requirements of the Inter-American Trade Zone, North American exports of waste goods are not completely banned, but North American companies need to strictly review customer credit, control the risk of waste imports, and sales of customer follow-up issues bear the responsibility)

2. For the import of Klang or via Pakistani to other parts of Malaysia, the consignee or notifying party shall have at least one company that is required to be registered locally in Malaysia. When the consignee is TO ORDER, the notifying party must register for the local the company.

3. Import or transit the goods of Klang, need to enter the bill of lading and manifest 6 HS HSDE;

Emegency notice! Export these goods in Malaysia no longer accept booking!



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